Queen Mary II – 5th May 1973



(40th Birthday Cruise)
Glasgow (Princes Dock), Gourock, Dunoon, Rothesay,
Largs, Millport (Keppel), cruise to Arran coast,
Millport (Keppel), Largs, Rothesay, Dunoon,
Glasgow (Princes Dock)

John Park has provided the following notes and photographs

 Queen Mary II in Princes Dock, Glasgow before departure
There are no views of the Mary at any piers other than Princes Dock.  I think this is due to the calling points being for embarking passengers only rather than the more usual “everyone off” at each pier called at.  Maybe others can confirm if this was so or perhaps the timings on the booking form will confirm if this was the case.  The photos represent what was seen from the Mary rather than her berthed at any piers.  
The view leaving Keppel pier being the last outbound photo while the Keppel at Largs onwards are taken on the return journey.  After previously saying how much easier colour slides are to process I ran into a “Gratispool” film (remember them?) which has not aged well at all, and some of the views remain quite dark and grainy despite the best efforts of PSE and other software.  
And pre-dating the modern craze of “photo-bombing” by 40 years, just check out the blasted seagull which all but ruined the shot of Waverley at Gourock!!!
John has provided the photographs below from his collection

 Shieldhall at Dalmuir
Largs at Bowling with
puffer Stormlight in background
Loch Carron at Port Glasgow 
Waverley at Gourock
Maid of Cumbrae at Dunoon
 QMII off Keppel pier
 Keppel at Largs  Cowal at Rothesay Waverley at Rothesay 

Photograph from the Andrew Clark collection

                               Queen Mary II at Keppel