Waverley – 19th June 2004


Largs, Lochranza (time ashore), via West Kyle,
Tighnabruaich (time ashore), via East Kyle
and Garroch Head to Lochranza, Largs
Notes and photographs:  John Newth
Our early summer cruise took place aboard the WAVERLEY on Saturday 19th June. Sailing from Largs, we headed for Lochranza, where the steamer arrived shortly before the regular Claonaig ferry LOCH TARBERT, which had to negotiate her way round the paddler’s bow to reach the slipway. After half an hour at Lochranza, we steamed via the Sound of Inchmarnock to Tighnabruaich, then on through the Narrows, and down the east side of Bute. Sweeping round Kames Bay, Rothesay Bay and Kilchattan Bay, we returned to Lochranza via Dunagoil Bay, encountering HMS SOUTHAMPTON en route. For our return to Largs, we sailed up the west side of Great Cumbrae. Although the weather was not the warmest June day on record, all on board enjoyed the day out.
 Waverley at Lochranza  Waverley at Tighnabruaich  HMS Southampton

 Photographs:  Charles McCrossan

 Loch Alainn at Largs
 Waverley at Lochranza
 Waverley and Loch Tarbert
at Lochranza
Loch Tarbert at Lochranza
 Waverley at Tighnabruaich
 HNLMS Amsterdam (A836)
of the Royal Netherlands Navy. 
HMS Southampton
Type 42 destroyer