No Trips

From all the records that are available, and from the input by various members of the Club, there do not appear to have been any Charters, Nominated Excursions or any kind of Club outing organised in a year with the marker – “No Trips”.

It can be easily understood that there would be no Club sailings during the years of World War II.

The post war years to the middle 1950’s were times of austerity and sailings and charters would be limited.

It is all the more remarkable, then, that in 1946 the Club managed to organise a Nominated Excursion and then in 1948 and 1949, actually organised charters of steamers.

It seems strange that between 1950 and 1955, only one “Nominated Excursion” was organised, on King Edward in 1951.

Do you know differently? Do you have any notes or records which show that other organised excursions, whether formal as a whole Club event, or even informal where a group of members arranged to meet, sail, and talk together, actually took place. Additional information will also always be welcome to add to the years where records already exist.

Please, if you have any information at all on this subject, get in touch with the Webmaster and make your contribution to the development of this record of the Club’s history.