Hebridean Princess is the former David MacBrayne/ Caledonian MacBrayne Car ferry Columba, now operating as a luxury cruise ship around the UK coast and occasionally further afield. Based in Oban for the first 25 years of her life, carrying up to 600 passengers, and 50 cars, between the Scottish islands, Columba was the last of three car ferries built in 1964 by Hall, Russell & Company, Aberdeen for the Secretary of State for Scotland. Her sisters were Hebrides and Clansman.
Columba entered service in 1964 and was refitted at George Prior Engineering, Great Yarmouth, in 1989 for her new role as a cruise vessel.
Hebridean Princess & Clipper Ranger,
Mark Nicolson 6 June 2014
The Stornoway freight ferry reverses towards No.1 linkspan to do her regular freight sailing. |