Members will be aware that, due to the pandemic, we had to postpone our scheduled AGM of April 2020. As yet we are unsure when we can meet. Clearly our Club Constitution was not written to cope with the present situation, which no one could have foreseen.
As a result, your management committee held a ‘virtual’ meeting on Sunday 7 June 2020 through the medium of Zoom video conferencing, in order to deal with the ongoing management of Club matters.
During the last week of May our President of the last two years, Roy Paterson, indicated that, due to changes in his personal circumstances, he wished to stand down. And so, at last Sunday’s remote video meeting, we agreed the following committee structure in order to continue management of Club matters into session 2020/21:
Acting President Andrew Anderson
Acting Vice-President Robin Copland
With the exception of Review Editor all committee members remain in their current roles as follows:
Secretary Eric Schofield
Treasurer/Curator Billy Tomlinson
Membership Secretary Stuart Craig
Cruising Coordinator Neil Guthrie
Magazine Editor Andrew Clark
Publicity Officer Colin Smith
Committee Member Jim Stirling
The co-opted members to the committee have also agreed to continue in their respective positions. They are:
Calendar Gordon Law
Photo Sales Iain Quinn
As regards Review Editor, John Newth had previously stated a desire to step down at our (aborted) AGM. Consequently Douglas Allan has been appointed as Review Editor going forward to 2020/21. John Newth will continue to produce Scottish Ferry News, the next issue of which, covering June and July 2020, will be available on our website in due course .
All of the above appointments will be subject to ratification by members when we are eventually able to hold a formal Annual General Meeting.
On a personal note, on behalf of the Club, I would like to record here our thanks to Roy Paterson who has been at the helm for the last two years. He has taken us on memorable cruising events and directed us through an excellent programme of meetings at Jurys Inn. Who will forget the sheer professionalism involved in the visual delights of his own Presidential Address! Thank you Roy.
I end with my own commitment to do everything I can to return the Club to some measure of normality — when we can all once again share our passion for the Clyde River Steamer Club. We will ‘create opportunities for enthusiasts to sail, meet and talk together’.
In the meantime, our 2019 Review will be in the September mailing and we are hoping the 2016 edition will be ready too. The 2021 edition of our annual magazine, Clyde Steamers, is well in hand, and over the summer months you can expect to see more ‘Members Only’ posts on our website, showing photographs from CRSC’s digital archive.
Andy Anderson
Acting President
For the latest edition of Scottish Ferry News, covering the lockdown period up to the end of May, click here.
Published on 10 June 2020