CRSC Spring Mailing – an update (2)

Front cover of the 2018 Review, published this month and sent to all paid-up CRSC members

The spring CRSC mailing should now be in your hands, with the exception of those members who live abroad. However, I can report that their envelopes too are now on their way.

The Post Office assure me that deliveries are functioning normally but with a few local delays. The ‘foreign’ packages were mailed this morning, 14 April, so those of you who live overseas should receive them over the next week or two. I’d like to thank you for your patience.

The Website continues to be updated with new items for you to enjoy over these difficult times. Be assured that there are still lots of interesting features waiting to be published on our site.

Over the past 10 days we have taken on five new members, so the Club continues to expand. Let’s hope we can all have a wee sail in the not too distant future. Meanwhile – keep safe.

Stuart Craig

Membership Secretary

For any queries, or if you want to join the Clyde River Steamer Club, please contact:

Click here for spring 2020 Photo Offer

Click here for CRSC Video featuring Hebridean Isles at Campbeltown, six ferries at Arran, vintage footage of Queen Mary II etc

Click here for magnificent photo enlargement of Duchess of Hamilton departing Millport Old c1962

Published on 14 April 2020