CRSC Spring Mailing – an update

With so much in our lives being shut down at the moment, you will be relieved to hear that the CRSC spring mailing will be going ahead as usual.

The envelopes have been packaged and delivered to the Post Office, and will be mailed out as soon as possible. CRSC members who live abroad will not have their envelopes mailed out until the current restrictions on travel are relaxed.

Contained in your envelope you will find:

CRSC Magazine 2020 — 54 pages packed with unique photos and fascinating articles

CRSC Review 2018 — a comprehensive and lavishly illustrated survey of Scottish shipping in an eventful year

AGM notice and financial papers

April 2020 Photo Offer — superb images from the CRSC Archive

Letter from CRSC President Roy Paterson

If you are not yet a member, you can join here for £10 and take advantage of all the benefits. The annual Clyde Steamers magazine and Review are exclusive to members and not available on the open market.

We hope that this new reading material will reach you soon and keep you busy over the next few weeks. Keep healthy and best wishes.

Published on 27 March 2020