‘Some Hebridean Jaunts’ – meeting at Jurys Inn with simultaneous access on Zoom


Eric Schofield draws on his own unique library of colour photographs, dating back more than five decades, to take us on a pictorial adventure to selected Hebridean destinations - a recipe (judging by Eric’s previous presentations) for an evening of escapism and delight. PLEASE NOTE: this event will mark the resumption of ‘physical’ meetings at Jurys Inn, Glasgow, but for the benefit of our wider membership, we intend to present it by simultaneous Zoom video conferencing. ZOOM CODES: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84480982370?pwd=cEtzb1pGVjFtWXlXQ0NDQzRvUUJSUT09 Meeting ID: 844 8098 2370 Passcode: 621380

From 7/7.30pm until 9pm