Graham Lappin, creator of the highly regarded Dalmadan website, is our guest presenter on Wednesday 9 August.
In a Zoom meeting titled ‘Delving into our Past: Photographs and Other Memorabilia of the Clyde’, Graham will show (and speak about) artefacts and photos from his renowned collection of Clyde memorabilia.
Everyone is welcome to join us for this online gathering, which is designed to appeal to the many members and friends of CRSC who live far from the Clyde. Start time is 7pm UK time, but ‘doors are open’ from 6.30pm.
Everyone is encouraged to arrive early and linger at the end so that we can have some lively online chat.
ZOOM CODES Meeting ID: 824 4427 6611 Passcode: 693151 (you need to download Zoom to access these codes).
A native of Dunbartonshire and longstanding CRSC member, Graham is Professor Emeritus at the University of Notre Dame in the US state of Indiana.
Dalmadan is a fascinating, meticulously compiled online showcase of Clyde steamer research, rare photographs and artefacts, all painstakingly collected and documented by Graham, who was one of the first personalities to feature in CRSC’s ‘On the Spot’ series.
CRSC’s Zoom gathering gives Dalmadan’s many admirers a long-awaited chance to meet Graham in person.
Published on 6 August 2023