CRSC Nominated Excursion PS WAVERLEY – Sunday 18 August 2024

You are invited to sail on CRSC’s Nominated Excursion to Arrochar aboard PS Waverley on Sunday 18 August.

Specially discounted tickets for this trip can be bought by clicking on the tabs below. These fares are available only to paid-up CRSC members who wish to purchase tickets for themselves, their family and friends.

If you are not yet a member, you can join here for £15 and automatically recoup part of your cruise fare. You will also get all the other benefits of membership.

The August 18 sailing is the only time Waverley will visit Arrochar during the main summer season of 2024. The steamer will depart from Glasgow, Greenock, Dunoon and Blairmore and proceed via Loch Long to Arrochar, where she will offer time ashore at Ardnagal Pier. See Waverley Excursions Ltd’s website for the timetable.

Glasgow to Arrochar — £43 (discounted from £55) or £1 for kids (no meal)
Greenock to Arrochar — £39 (discounted from £47) or £1 for kids (no meal)
Dunoon or Blairmore to Arrochar — £35 (discounted from £45) or £1 for kids (no meal)

with meal option:

Glasgow to Arrochar with two course meal and hot drink — £57 for adults and £12 for kids
Greenock to Arrochar with two course meal and hot drink — £53 for adults and £12 for kids
Dunoon or Blairmore to Arrochar with two course meal and hot drink — £49 for adults and £12 for kids

When you have clicked the tab of your choice below, go to the basket at the top right hand of this page to pay and complete your order.

Passengers who take advantage of CRSC’s discounted fares will not be sent tickets/meal vouchers in advance of the sailing. Waverley’s purser will have a list of names of everyone who has booked through CRSC: please collect your tickets/meal vouchers from the Purser’s Office after boarding on the day of the excursion.

Please note that bookings for this excursion will close on Wednesday 14 August.