News & Reports

By Sea to Portree

Colin Tucker recalls the days when Portree was a significant port of call for West Highland ships. Every..

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The KGV Charters

John Park looks back across half a century to the CRSC charters of King George V in the..

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All tickets please (20)

In the latest of his trips down memory lane, prompted by a superb collection of tickets, Eric Schofield takes..

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Ferry News from lockdown

The April-May edition of Scottish Ferry News, compiled by John Newth, is available here. It covers all known..

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All tickets please (19)

Eric Schofield’s travels to the highlands and islands have always had a whiff of insatiable adventure about them…

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On the Spot: Jim Stirling

Jim Stirling is a non-executive director of David MacBrayne Ltd and CalMac Ferries Ltd. A former student Purser on..

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A Lady in Grey

Club member Greg Beecroft has used the lockdown to do some digging into his slide collection…. The photograph..

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KGV: the final fling

CRSC member John Park was on board King George V  for her last public sailing in September 1974…

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All tickets please (18)

Eric Schofield’s long experience of west coast travel has turned him into a connoisseur of tickets. So, how..

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Still Away With The Ferries

Anyone who has been captivated by CRSC’s highly entertaining series of articles on island hopping, starring Stuart Craig..

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Prince Edward

Robert Cleary, a former Purser on Loch Lomond, reflects on a beautiful photograph of a beautiful loch steamer.  This..

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